Mrs. Vasilika Vjero

Mrs. Vasilika Vjero was born in Tirana in 1976.
Mrs.Vjero graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics, Department of Business Administration in 1998. In 2003 she completed a master’s degree from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln USA, and University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy. She has also been trained in economic growth by Harvard Kennedy School.
Ms. Vjero has held senior management positions, such as General Director of Taxes, General Director of the National Business Center, General Director of the Albanian Road Authority. In her career she counts more than 10 years of work experience for the Municipality of Tirana in the management of the Tax Administration and the Department of Strategic Planning and local budgets, as well as a series of experiences as a financial expert with foreign donors. She has also served as an expert independent fiscal and budget for local government in Albania for a total of 24 municipalities and communes throughout the country.
Ms. Vjero speaks english and italian.

Mr. Genc Mamani

Genci Mamani is the General Director of the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency and at the same time a member of its Steering Council.
Mr. Mamani, graduated in 1991 at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance.
In 2001 he completed postgraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin – La Cross, USA, in finance – banking and in 2012 he postgraduate at master’s level in Business Administration at the International Hellenic University, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Mr. Mamani started his career in 1991 as an economist at the Central Bank of Albania. He pursued his career by holding managerial positions on different commercial banks such as FEFAD Bank (actually Pro Credit Bank), the Italian-Albanian Bank and further on to be back at the Bank of Albania until late 2015. In July 2015 he took over as General Director of the Deposit Insurance Agency.
Mr. Mamani is fluent in English and Italian.

Mr. Donald Duraj

Mr. Donald Duraj was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Deposit Insurance Agency in 2015. He has a progressive career of more than 15 years in the banking system, an integral part of which have been quite active and successful achievements within various prestigious local financial institutions and those in the international network such as Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and Belarus. Since 2015, Mr. Duraj holds the position of Chief of Staff of the Governor of the Bank of Albania with the responsibility of advising, assisting, monitoring and coordinating all issues related to the progress and proper functioning of the Governor’s Office and other departments of the Bank of Albania. From 2010 to 2015 Mr. Duraj was Head of Commercial Organization and Market Development Sector at Societe Generale Bank in Albania playing a key role in the strategic direction, short-term and long-term planning, setting key objectives, coordinating inter-divisional and inter-institutional relations, locally and internationally, with public and private companies, et cetera. During this period Mr. Duraj has successfully led at least 15 projects, among the most important ones for the Bank, and with a direct impact on the expansion of activity in the local market and with an increase in profitability. Mr. Duraj worked from 2005 to 2010 at Raiffeisen Bank Albania and Raiffeisen International Austria covering key operational and strategic positions. The most important of them were Head of Individuals Segment, Head of Consumer Credit Products, Project Manager in the “Retail Leadership” Program at Raiffeisen International Austria, etc. Mr. Duraj has graduated at the Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance, Banking Profile, at the University of Tirana.

Kreu / Per Bankat

Information for Banks!

Individual deposits in every bank operating in Albania are insured from ADIA in compliance with law no. 53/2014 “On Deposit Insurance”

Banks licensed from the Bank of Albania on deposits collection are subjects operating within the territory of the Republic of Albania and subject to the Albanian jurisdiction.Their membership in scheme is mandatory.

As member of deposit insurance scheme, first – time member banks have the obligation to pay initial contribution and afterward annual premiums on their depositors’ deposit insurance. In the case when a bank fails to pay deposits for the reasons related with its financial situation, ADIA compensates the depositors making use of these contributions and their investment proceeds.

In order to have e prompt and accurate compensation, in support of preservation of banking and financial stability in the county, it is very important:

1. An accurate depositors and deposit data entry:

Accurate depositor identification data (Name, last name, personal number, paternity, date of birth, identification card number)
Accurate depositor contact data (Phone no. address, email)
Accurate deposit data (account no. total amount, applied interest rate, currency, deposit holder & his share on the account/deposit)

2. Depositor awareness and information:

Bank employees should make its customers aware of the importance of their data updating, in case of possible changesL.
Bank employees should inform customers that:
each individual upper insurance level is ALL 2,500,000 for each system bank
ADIA is the only institutions insuring and compensating individuals’ deposits in the Republic of Albania
are insured all deposits of individuals in banks operating in the territory of the Republic of Albania
are insured all individuals, resident or non – residents / Albanians or foreigners possessing deposits in all banks members of deposit insurance scheme
if a depositor holds more than one deposit/ account in a bank, they are summed up in one and is insured and compensated up to ALL 2,500,000
Jointed deposits/accounts are split up according to the number of owners and the owner is insured up to ALL 2,500,000
All individuals’ deposits in a bank, in ALL or foreign currency are insured. Compensation is effectuated in ALL

Quarterly insurance premium calculation method.

Period taken as example: January 1, 2016 – March 31 2016:

First step: simple average of insured deposits is calculated:

Shënojmë me

  • “Mt Mn Mdh” – • MO, MN, MD – sum of insured deposits in ALL, as per last day of each previous trimester (October, November, December 2015)
  • A – simple average of sum of insured deposits, registered in Bank, as per last day of each previous trimester
Second step: calculation of the sum of first trimester premium P1 (where 0.125% is the rate of trimester premium)

A × 0.125 ÷ 100 = P(lekë)

Ky prim paguhet brenda datës 15 janar.
Përllogaritja e shumës të depozitave të siguruara kryhet në përputhje me aneksin 11 “ Vlerësimi i shumës së depozitave të siguruara ” të Udhezimit “Për sigurimin e depozitave në banka”, të cilin e gjeni në seksionin Baza Ligjore .
Vlerësimi i shumës së depozitave të siguruara
Banka, në vlerësimin e shumës së depozitave të siguruara, përcakton depozitat e individëve që janë subjekt i skemës, në përputhje me nenin 3 “Përkufizime” pika 13, 14, 15, nenet 26, 31 32 dhe 33 pika 1, shkronja “a” të ligjit.

First case:

Depozituesi ka vetëm një depozitë individuale në lekë:
Në qoftë se kjo depozitë është më e vogël, se 2 500 000 (dy milion e pesëqind mijë) lekë, ajo sigurohet e plotë (përfshihet interesi ditor i llogaritur në ditën e vlerësimit të primit);
në qoftë se është më e madhe se 2 500 000 (dy milion e pesëqind mijë) lekë, sigurohet pjesa deri në nivelin 2 500 000 (dy milion e pesëqind mijë) lekë.

Depozituesi ka disa depozita individuale, të cilat janë në lekë dhe në monedhë të huaj. Depozitat në monedhë të huaj konvertohen në lekë sipas kursit zyrtar të Autoritetit Mbikëqyrës në ditën e vlerësimit, dhe më pas të gjitha depozitat agregohen. Shuma e gjetur nga agregimi, krahasohet me nivelin 2 500 000 (dy milion e pesëqind mijë) lekë dhe sigurohet pjesa e depozitës deri në nivelin e mbulimit.

Depozituesi ka disa depozita individuale dhe një ose më shumë depozita të përbashkëta me të drejta të plota. Në këtë rast bashkohen të gjitha depozitat individuale duke shtuar edhe pjesën koresponduese të depozitës të përbashkët, e cila ndahet në pjesë të barabarta midis titullarëve të saj, përveç rasteve kur përcaktohet ndryshe në kushtet e vendosjes së depozitës.

Për konkretizim, në rast se një depozitues ka një depozitë të përbashkët me një të afërmin e tij, një depozitë individuale dhe një tjetër të përbashkët me dy persona të tjerë ose më shumë, atëherë ky depozitues është disponues i gjysmës së shumës së depozitës që ka me të afërmin e tij, i depozitës individuale dhe i një të tretës së depozitës së përbashkët me personat e tjerë, ato bashkohen dhe sigurohet pjesa deri në 2 500 000 (dy milionë e pesëqind mijë) lekë.

Second case:

A depositor possess a deposit as a guarantee for a third person. In this case, the right for insurance is recognized to the deposit titleholder.
If the depositor holds other deposits in the bank, these are congregated with the deposit placed as guarantee and the amount until ALL 2,500,000 is insured.

Third case:

Depositor holds a conditional placed deposit or for a defined time (deadline), to the benefit to a third person. The insurance right is recognized to deposit titleholder, until the completion of deadline, or the defined condition. Otherwise, the insurance belongs to the deposit beneficiary. In case of a deposit placed to the benefit of a third person, with no condition or deadline, the right of insurance goes to the last. In case of deposits placed in benefit to more than one third person, regulations anticipated on full – right jointed deposits are applied. In this case, congregation is first applied and the amount up to ALL 2,500,000 is insured afterward.

The data collecting and reporting information system, aims at centralizing the electronic information reported to DIA by the banks, calculating each bank’s annual premium and carrying out rapid and efficient compensation in case of a bank resolution. This project was funded by an EBRD grant and FSVC contribution through FDIC’s high-level experts, who helped by compiling its terms of reference and performance evaluation. According to the project plan, the system design started on July 2013 and finished successfully on October 2014. Banks used it for the first time for premium calculations on October 2014.
Key functions of the System
The information system of the Agency and data reporting from the banks operates in such a way as to ensure:

The data availability at any time for the identification of the depositor with a unique number in the system that is consistent with the personal data of an actual person and determines with accuracy the sum that the subject owes to this depositor, which it also insures at the Agency.
The concentration of information on deposits and depositors, on an individual basis and / or aggregated.
An assessment of the accuracy of the personal data of depositors in the electronic registers of subjects.
Assessing the accuracy of calculation of the sum insured.
Assessment of the accuracy of calculating periodic premium.
The possibility of immediate access to information on deposits and depositors to carry out an accurate assessment of the amount of compensation in case of simulation or Insurance event.
Eligibility and reporting parameters even by third parties which provide services to the banks members in order to fulfill the requirements of this Regulation and to the law on deposit insurance.
The use and / or publication of information by the Agency for study and risk assessment and management of deposit insurance.

Rules for Electronic Reports
For the purpose of calculation of insured amount, every bank uploads the following data files within first 10 days of the next month:

Deposits – accounts data linked with individual deposits in the bank.
Depositors – individual details data of the depositor which identifies him exactly.

For each quarter in the first 10 days of the following month, the bank reports in the Agency the calculated prime for each depositor and uploads the corresponding file in the system.

In case of compensation process or simulation, the bank will be asked to upload daily files with the following data:

Deposits – account data linked with every individual deposits in the bank.
Depositors – individual details data of the depositor which identifies him exactly.
Loans – Detailed loans linked with deposits which are put as guarantee for these loans.
Net position of depositors – the depositors on the net position.

Also, the Agency can ask the banks for reports for special and unpredictable reasons to fulfill its public objectives.

Formulari i kërkesës për përdorues


Udhëzimi për Sigurimin e Depozitave në Banka


Formati i skedarit neto të klientëve


The Agency carries out verification over all banks, at least one per year, on the following cases:

­ Premium calculation accuracy/methodology utilized by the bank Bank
Information system availability/ unique deposit introduction (SCV) ­
Account and depositors’ system data accuracy
Public awareness and information
Bank employees knowledge on the law “On deposit insurance”
Internal auditing report, focusing on implementation of the law “On deposit insurance”

Training documents and brochures for Banks


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