Deposit Insurance
What is insured?
“Insurable deposit” is entire deposits aggregated value of a depositor, including their calculated interest as per the assessment or bankruptcy declaration day of scheme member subject, unless in case of exemptions defined as per the Law “On deposit insurance” (mention below).
In the bank and its branches insured deposit, is part of a depositor insurable deposit, but in any case, not exceeding the amount of ALL 2,500,000, despite of number of deposits or used currency in this bank.
In Saving/Crediting Association (SCA) insured deposit, is part of a depositor insurable deposit, but in any case, not exceeding the amount of ALL 2,000,000, despite of number of deposits or used currency in this SCA.
ADIA Secures:
DEPOSITORS HAVE NO COSTS for insuring their deposits. Banks have a legal obligation to pay for them.