Who is insured by the deposit
insurance scheme?

Deposit insurance is based on the principle of one depositor per bank/cooperative, which means that each depositor has a guaranteed right to deposit insurance in each bank/sca that is a member of the deposit insurance scheme in Albania.
ADIA ensures the deposits of Albanian and foreign individuals, traders and commercial companies in ALL and foreign currency to the extent of 100%, but in any case no more than 2,500,000 ALL for each bank and 2,000,000 ALL for each saving crediting association.
Deposits are amounts in a bank account which can be classified as term or non-term deposits, current accounts, savings accounts, deposits or other bank accounts, combinations of the aforementioned banking products, which are insured by the Agency.

Uninsurable deposits according to the law are:

The part of the deposit above the maximum level of coverage (2,500,000 ALL for deposits in banks and 2,000,000 ALL for deposits in savings and credit companies);
Deposits below the value of 100 ALL;
Deposits placed in the name or on account of financial institutions licensed by the Bank of Albania and the Financial Supervision Authority;
Deposits of the director, bank administrator and their family members, according to the family status certificate;
Deposits of shareholders of the bank or saving crediting association that own shares of 5 percent or more in the capital of these entities that are members of the deposit insurance scheme;
Deposits derived from activities related to money laundering and terrorist financing, which have been declared illegal by a final court decision;
Deposits of insurance and reinsurance companies, domestic or foreign;
Deposits of business entities or collective investments, domestic or foreign;
Deposits of pension funds or pension insurance, domestic or foreign;
Securities issued by financial entities and any other type of obligation that these entities have based on their pledge agreements;
Deposits of central or local government units, as well as any public entity of the Republic of Albania or a foreign country;
Unnamed deposits and/or the title of which is not clearly defined;
Deposits placed in the member entity of the deposit insurance scheme during and after the day of the insurance event in this entity;
Deposits of the members of the management bodies of the savings and credit company, according to the provisions in the law on savings and credit companies, except for the general assembly;
Deposits of legal entities, except for those defined in point 17, article 3, of the law “On deposit insurance”

Deposits, the holder of which has not been identified on the date of the decision of the Bank of Albania to place a bank/SCA in forced liquidation, are not compensated.
All banks and saving crediting association licensed by the Bank of Albania to accept deposits are obliged to participate in the deposit insurance scheme.
Deposit insurance by ADIA until now covers deposits at these link member banks and in these savings and SCA that are members of the link deposit insurance scheme.

Who is insured by the deposit insurance scheme?

What is the
compensation amount

When will I receive the
compensation amount?

How is the compensation
amount obtained?