Faqja Kryesore / Rreth Nesh

ADIA Profile

The Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ADIA) was established in 2002 and carries out its activity based on law no. 53/2014, dated 22.05.2014 on “On Deposit Insurance”, as amended.

ASD administers the deposit insurance scheme. The agency secures deposits in banks and non-profit organizations in the territory of the Republic of Albania, which are the member subjects of the scheme. Their membership in the scheme is compulsory. ASD is a “pay box plus” model. The law “On deposit insurance”, as amended, also allows the Agency to participate by transferring financial means, of the compensation fund, during the extraordinary intervention in banks, in accordance with the provisions of the law “On recovery and extraordinary intervention in bank in the Republic of Albania”. ADIA insures deposits in each Bank up to a maximum of ALL 2.5 million per depositor per Bank. For SCA’s, the limit is a maximum of ALL 2 million per depositor, per SCA.

PËRFITUES nga skema e sigurimit dhe kompensimi i depozitës është çdo depozitues anëtar i bankës / shkk-së: individ, tregtar dhe shoqëri tregtare, rezident ose jorezident, shqiptar ose i huaj, i cili ka depozitë në një bankë / shkk, në lekë ose në monedhë të huaj, sipas ligjit nr. 53/2014, datë 22.05.2014 “Për sigurimin e depozitave”, i ndryshuar.
Depozitat në valutë janë të siguruara deri në të njëjtën shumë. Në rast të një ngjarje sigurimi, depozitat në valutë kompensohen në lekë, me kursin e këmbimit të monedhës në ditën e ndërhyrjes nga Autoriteti Mbikëqyrës (Banka e Shqipërisë). Procesi i kompensimit është 3 muaj nga data e ndërhyrjes nga Banka e Shqipërisë në një subjekt të siguruar.
Financimi fillestar i skemës së sigurimit të depozitave është bërë nga buxheti i shtetit. Fondi themeltar për sigurimin e depozitave në banka dhe shkk ka vijuar të rritet nëpërmjet pagesës së kontributit fillestar të subjekteve që anëtarësohen për herë të parë dhe pagesës së primit të sigurimit periodik. Primi i sigurimit të depozitës përllogaritet nga subjektet anëtare dhe paguhet në llogarinë e Agjencisë në Bankën e Shqipërisë, në tremujorë.
ADIA is the administrator of Resolution Fund (RF). The Agency administers RF in accordance with the Financial Assets Management Policy approved by the Bank of Albania, which is the Resolution Authority.

ASD is administered by the Governing Council and directed by the General Director.
ASD reports to the Assembly of the Republic of Albania, the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Albania.
ADIA is a member of the International Organization of Deposit Insurers (IADI) and the European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI).

Governing Council

Organization of the Deposit Insurance Agency

The Deposit Insurance Agency Board of Directors is the highest decision-making and supervising organ of ADIA’s activity. In compliance with Law no. 53/14, dated 22.05.2014 “On deposit insurance”, the members of the Board are appointed by the Supervisory Authority and proposed as follows:

Two members from the Supervisory Authority.
Two members from the Minister of Finance.
A member of the Institute of Authorized Accounting Experts (IEKA)

The position-holding duration for each Board of Directors’ member is five years, and all the duration expiry dates intend to fall distributed proportionately throughout the five-year time period.

Some of the main competences and responsibilities of the ADIA Board of Directors are the following: *

guarantees compliance of the legislation in force by the Agency;
administers the risk to which the Agency is exposed to during the exercise of its activity by taking necessary measures;
creates the internal control system for all areas of the Agency’s activity and ensures its operation;
approves the statute, internal regulations and strategic and annual activity plans of the Agency;
supervises the activity of the general director and examines his reports on the administration of the Agency’s activity;
approves the organizational structure and draft budget of the Agency;
decides on the administration policies of the Agency’s financial resources;
approves the annual balance sheet, annual report and other financial reports of the Agency;
determines insurance premiums, membership contributions and special contributions in accordance with the law “On deposit insurance”;
approves and revokes the granting of certification for the fulfillment of legal and by-law requirements, related to deposit insurance and approves the membership or exclusion of entities from the scheme;
approves the preventive measures that the Agency applies to member entities, in accordance with the law “On deposit insurance” and by-laws, and proposes to the Supervisory Authority the imposition of sanctions on member entities, according to the provisions of the law “On deposit insurance”;
decides on the compensation of insured deposits according to the provisions of the law “On deposit insurance”;
proposes for approval in the Supervisory Authority the postponement of the deadline for carrying out the compensation process;
decide on the Agency’s participation in the functions of custody, liquidation, sale of member entities and on the Agency’s claim of the fees ceded from depositors’ compensation;

*Note: For more information about the functioning of the Governing Council and its meetings, procedures for appointing and dismissing members, powers and responsibilities, please refer to articles 48 to 52 of Law No. 53/14 dated 22.05.2014 “On deposit insurance”, which can be found in the “Legislation” section of this page.


Legal basis

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Strategic plans

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Reports/Financial Statements

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Decisions of the governing council

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Organizational Structure

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