What do you know about deposit insurance?

Check your basic knowledge of deposit insurance with our quiz. This quiz will help you assess and expand your basic knowledge.
The questionnaire includes questions with three possible answers, one of which is correct. When you have answered all the questions, you will be able to view the final result. Each correct answer is followed by an explanation.
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    1. Insured deposits are those of:

      a). Individuals, merchants and commercial companies

      b). Financial institutions, political parties and non-governmental organizations

      c). All

      BENEFICIARY from the insurance scheme is any depositor: individual, traders and commercial company, resident or non-resident, Albanian or foreigner, who has a deposit in a bank/corporation in ALL or in foreign currency, according to law no. 53/2014, dated 22.05.2014 "On deposit insurance", amended.

    2. Deposits are insured in:

      a). ALL and USD

      b). ALL and EUR

      c). In any currency

      In compensation, foreign currency deposits are converted into ALL, according to the official exchange rate, determined by the Supervisory Authority on the day of the insurance event.

    3. Types of insured deposits are:

      a). Treasury bonds and investment funds

      b). Deposit without term, Deposit with term, Current account, Deposit in foreign currency

      c). All

      ADIA insures term deposits, non-term deposits, current accounts, savings accounts, deposits or other bank accounts, combinations of the above-mentioned banking products, insurable by the Agency.

    4. The maximum level of deposit insurance in bank is:

      a). 1,500,000 ALL

      b). 2,500,000 ALL

      c). 2,000,000 ALL

      The agency insures and compensates the insurable deposits of each depositor in each member bank of the scheme to the extent of 100 percent, but in any case no more than 2,500,000 (two million five hundred thousand) ALL, regardless of the number of deposits or the type of currency of them, deposited in this bank.

    5. The maximum level of deposit insurance in SCA is:

      a). 1,500,000 ALL

      b). 1,000,000 ALL

      c). 2,000,000 ALL

      The agency insures and compensates the insurable deposits of every depositor in SCA to the extent of 100 percent, but in any case not more than 2,000,000 (two million) ALL, regardless of the number of deposits or the type of their currency, deposited in this SCA.

    6. Deposit insurance is provided for:

      a). For all your deposits in a bank/SCA of the system, up to the maximum insurance level

      b). For all your deposits in all banks/SCA together, up to the maximum insurance level

      c). For each of your deposits in a bank/SCA, up to the maximum level of insurance

      The agency insures and compensates EVERY DEPOSITORS, IN EVERY BANK/SCA up to the maximum legal level of 2,500,000/2,000,000 ALL, regardless of the number of deposits or the type of currency.

    7. ADIA compensates the insured amounts of deposits when:

      a). A bank/SCA refuses to pay the depositor the requested amount

      b). A decision of the judicial authorities places the bank-SCA in bankruptcy

      c). A bank/SCA is placed in forced liquidation by the Bank of Albania

      The compensation procedures begin immediately, when ADIA is notified in writing by the Bank of Albania about the placement of the bank/SCA in liquidation. Depositors will be notified by the Agency regarding the deposit compensation process.

    8. Compensation of insured deposits is carried out:

      a). Directly from ADIA

      b). Through an agent bank designated by ADIA

      c). Through the Bank of Albania

      The agent bank that will carry out the compensation process is determined by the decision of the Agency's governing council, in accordance with the selection criteria, proposed by the Agency and approved by the Supervisory Authority.

    9. To receive the insured amount of deposits, the depositor must:

      a). Make a request to ADIA

      b). Write to the agent bank to request compensation of the deposit/s

      c). To appear in person at the agent bank, with an identification document, to request deposit compensation.

      To benefit from the compensation amount, depositors must present at the counters of the agent bank: Identification document and copy of the Deposit Contract or any other document proving the claim on the deposit compensation.

    10. The maximum period within which the depositors can withdraw their insured amount, after the compensation process is over, is:

      a). 5 years

      b). 10 years

      c). There is no deadline for receiving the insured amounts

      The compensation process ends no later than three months from the date of its initiation. The agency notifies depositors of the closure of the compensation process and handles special cases and claims. Any depositor, who has not been presented to be compensated within the statutory compensation period, retains the right to compensation within 10 years.

    11. ADIA secures deposits in:

      a). All banks and savings and credit companies licensed to operate in the Republic of Albania.

      b). Companies of investment funds and pension funds.

      c). All of the above.

      All banks/SCA licensed by the Bank of Albania are members of the deposit insurance scheme. Their membership in the scheme is compulsory.

    12. The beginning deadline of compensation for the insured deposits is:

      a). 7 working days

      b). 20 working days

      c). 30 working days

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