When will I receive the compensation amount?

Compensation of deposits by ADIA begins no later than 14 working days from the date of the decision of the Bank of Albania to place a bank or credit savings company in forced liquidation and license revocation.
Compensation of deposits by ADIA is carried out through one or several agent banks operating in Albania. This bank is selected by ADIA to act on its behalf as an agent for making compensation payments.
ADIA publishes the notice for the beginning of the compensation process, including the place and time for the compensation of deposits, within 3 days from the official notification of the Bank of Albania about the placement of the bank/SCA in forced liquidation.
The compensation payment term ends no later than 3 (three) months from the date of its commencement and may be extended in case of inaccuracies in the accounting documents of the bank/sca placed in forced liquidation or in the operation of electronic systems theirs.
According to the law, depositors can claim the amount of compensation within 10 (ten) years from the insured event.

Who is insured by the deposit insurance scheme?

What is the
compensation amount

When will I receive the
compensation amount?

How is the compensation
amount obtained?