How is the compensation amount obtained?

ADIA ensures the full repayment of the depositor’s funds at any bank/sca, regardless of the number and amount of deposits, up to the amount of ALL 2,500,000 in the event that the Bank of Albania revokes the license of a bank, and up to the amount of ALL 2,000,000 in the event that the Bank of Albania revokes the license of a credit savings associations.
Compensation of deposits from ADIA is carried out through a bank operating in Albania. This bank is selected by ADIA to act on its behalf as an agent for making compensation payments.
It is not necessary to submit a claim to ADIA or the agent bank to receive payment. The compensation payment is based on your personal and deposit data as registered in the bank or sca where you placed your deposit.
As a depositor, you must visit one of the branches of the agent bank specified in the ADIA notification, and after presenting an identification document or documents for representation (for legal entities) you will be notified of the amount calculated for the compensation of your deposit.

If the compensation amount is correct and you have no claims, it can be transferred to another bank based on the data you will determine, can be placed in a deposit at the agent bank or withdrawn in cash.
If you are unable to withdraw your compensation amount in person, you can do so through a representative. To withdraw the amount, the representative must submit a notarized power of attorney to the agent bank. Powers of attorney issued abroad will be legalized in a consulate of the Republic of Albania or by a public notary and will be authenticated with an apostille stamp and legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania.
Before visiting the agent bank, make sure that your details in the bank/sca where you have placed your deposits are correct.

Who is insured by the deposit insurance scheme?

What is the
compensation amount

When will I receive the
compensation amount?

How is the compensation
amount obtained?