
On the participation of the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency EFDI Annual General Meeting and International Conference organized on from the 25th to 27th September, in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The European Forum of Deposit Insurance (EFDI) held its Annual General Meeting and International Conference “Deposit Insurance in Europe – Redrawing the Map”, in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. On this occasion the Deposit Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrated its 20th anniversary. The Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency was represented in this event by a delegation chaired by Mr. Genci Mamani, General Director of the Agency.nnIn the international conference, which featured different panels, participated deposit insurance experts from different European countries, representatives of international financial institutions, authorities from central banks, academics, etc. The opening panel of the conference, which included representatives of Balkan deposit insurance authorities, related to the harmonization of each authority regulatory framework with the EU Acquis in view of their aspirations to become member of the European Union. Mr. Genci Mamani, General Director of the Agency was one of the panelists. In his presentation, Mr. Mamani, underlined that the legislation governing the deposit insurance scheme in Albania is predominantly compliant with the European Commission Directive on Deposit Guarantee Scheme. He also, listed the challenges identified by the Agency to achieve complete compliance the European financial regulatory framework, towards which the Agency is fully committed.nnDuring the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting four new Board members were elected including its Chairman.nnThe European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI), created in 2002, is an international non-profit association. The purpose of the Forum is to contribute to the stability of financial systems by strengthening the role of Deposit Guarantee Schemes (DGSs) and promoting European cooperation in the field of deposit insurance. The Forum shall represent the common interests of the Members, exchange information, experiences and views, provide analysis, assessment and recommendations in its field of expertise, and collaborate with EU, national and international institutions.nnEFDI includes 70 Members Institutions from 48 European countries.

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