
6th EFDI Balkan Region Meeting

Mr. Genci Mamani, General Director of the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency, participated at the 6th EFDI Balkan regional meeting, hosted by the Deposit Insurance Fund of Montenegro, which took place in Kolasin, Montenegro from 5th to 8th July 2018. This meeting in Montenegro follows a well-established tradition according to which deposit insurance authorities of the Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia), who share many similarities in their respective banking and financial systems, gather with the aim to discuss and share experiences and knowledge among each other.nIn this meeting, participants shared recent developments and challenges of their respective deposit insurance schemes. Among others, the issues discussed were related to the payout process and the role of IT systems that support it, simulation exercises as important tests for the operational readiness of the deposit insurance scheme, deposit insurance funding mechanisms etc.nThe European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI) is a European deposit insurance organization, in which the Agency is a member, that contributes to the stability of financial systems through European and international cooperation in the field of deposit insurance, crisis resolution, exchange of experiences and information etc. EFDI also engages in consultations regarding European regulatory instruments with European Union institutions, in particular the Deposit Guarantee Scheme Directive.

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