The platform for improving the quality of depositors’ and deposits’ data in the banking system

Publikuar më: 29-12-2020

The Deposit Insurance Agency, in cooperation with the Bank of Albania and the Albanian Banking Association, finalised the platform for improving the quality of depositors’ and deposits’ data in the banking system in December 2020. This platform was drafted in compliance with the Agency’s strategic objectives for the 2018-2020 period, as well as with the Albanian Parliament’s recommendation in its resolution for the evaluation of the Deposit Insurance Agency’s activity for 2019.

The platform for improving the quality of depositors’ and deposits’ data in the banking system is a joint plan that engages the member banks of the deposit insurance scheme with their performance to help and create conditions for improving the quality of (depositors’ and deposits’) data in the banking system accordingly. This platform will enable the Agency to monitor the improvement of data quality by the member banks of the scheme. By continuously monitoring the progress of banks’ implementation of respective actions, the platform can be reviewed and further enriched.

The platform for improving the quality of depositors and deposits is considered to be of essential importance for the Agency, as it directly contributes to the successful realisation of the public objectives of the deposit insurance scheme and the fulfilment of its legal mandate.