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Dear ERC and IADI Members,

On behalf of the European Regional Committee (ERC) and the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ADIA), we are delighted to inform you that on the dates April 4th-5th, 2019 ADIA will be hosting the ERC Regional Committee Meeting continuing with a Technical Assistance Workshop entitled: Dealing with Contingency Planning and Crises Management /Failure Resolution.

The ERC meeting will be held in the Bank of Albania headquarters www.bankofalbania.org on April 4th during the first half-day, while the workshop will follow at “The Plaza Tirana” hotel www.plazatirana.com.

The major purpose of the workshop will be a deep discussion of IADI Core Principle (CP) 6 and CP 14 exploring the processes and policies needed for a DIS to design a contingency & crises management plan using the appropriate tools and resources to effectively deal with crises and resolution processes. The target audience will include representatives of the ERC members and other IADI members.

While we are still working on organizing the event and we sincerely hope that you and representatives from your organizations can save the dates for the workshop. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the training and the sharing of experiences, the workshop will be limited to 60 participants. Thus, in principle, each organization can dispatch up to three attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis.

We will provide you with registration, accommodation and other logistical details soon, including the optional excursion on April 6th.

Once again, please SAVE THE DATES!

Thank you very much. We are looking forward to seeing you in Tirana.

Best regards,

Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency Genci Mamani, General Manager

European Regional Committee Giuseppe Bocuzzi, Chairperson

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